Bone Density Scanning
Bone density scanning is an enhanced form of x-ray technology used to determine the degree of bone loss in a patient. This non-invasive study is usually performed on the lower spine and hips. The results are then compared to others with similar age, sex, and ethnic backgrounds.
Patients are referred for this test for multiple reasons. The most common is osteoporosis in postmenopausal women. Patients with conditions that affect bone mineral density or that are on medications known to cause bone loss will benefit from this imaging procedure.

Breast MRI
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. MR imaging uses a powerful magnetic field, radio frequency pulses and a computer to produce detailed pictures of organs, soft tissues, bone and virtually all other internal body structures. The images can then be examined on a computer monitor, printed or copied to a CD.
MRI of the breast can be used to screen women at high risk for for breast cancer. In the screening setting it is used in conjunction with screening mammography. It is not a replacement for mammography.
MRI of the breast can be used as a tool for pre-surgical evaluation of patients with known breast cancer, and as a problem-solving tool when mammography and ultrasound do yield clear answers.

Breast Needle Localizations
Ultrasound or mammography is used as a guide to put a wire through an abnormality in the breast. The patient is then taken to surgery and the surgeon uses this wire to locate and remove the abnormality.

Breast Ultrasound
Ultrasound imaging is a noninvasive medical test that helps physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. Ultrasound imaging of the breast uses high-frequency sound waves to produce pictures of the internal structures of the breast.

Computer Aided Detection (CAD)
CAD systems use a digitized mammographic image that can be obtained from either a conventional film mammogram or a digitally acquired mammogram. The computer software then searches for abnormal areas of density, mass, or calcification that may indicate the presence of cancer. The CAD system highlights these areas on the images, alerting the radiologist to the need for further analysis.

MRI Guided Breast Biopsy
When an abnormality in the breast that needs biopsy is not visible with mammography or ultrasound, a biopsy can be performed with MRI guidance.

Screening and Diagnostic Mammography
Mammography is a specific type of imaging that uses a low-dose x-ray system to examine breasts. A mammography exam, called a mammogram, is used to aid in the early detection and diagnosis of breast diseases in women.

Stereotactic Breast Biopsy
Lumps or abnormalities in the breast are often detected by physical examination, mammography, or other imaging studies. However, it is not always possible to tell from these imaging tests whether a growth is benign or cancerous. A breast biopsy is performed to remove some cells—surgically or through a less invasive procedure involving a hollow needle—from a suspicious area in the breast and examine them under a microscope to determine a diagnosis. A special mammography machine uses ionizing radiation to help guide the radiologist’s instruments to the site of the abnormal growth.

Ultrasound Guided Breast Biopsy
Lumps or abnormalities in the breast are often detected by physical examination, mammography, or other imaging studies. However, it is not always possible to tell from these imaging tests whether a growth is benign or cancerous. A breast biopsy is performed to remove some cells—surgically or through a less invasive procedure involving a hollow needle—from a suspicious area in the breast and examine them under a microscope to determine a diagnosis. In ultrasound-guided breast biopsy, ultrasound imaging is used to help guide the radiologist’s instruments to the site of the abnormal growth.

Ultrasound Guided Cyst Aspiration
A small needle is placed into a cyst in the breast using ultrasound as a guide. The fluid from the cyst is withdrawn through the needle. This technique is used primarily for relief of symptoms is a woman has a bothersome breast cyst. It may also be used to verify that a mass in the breast is indeed a cyst, and not a solid mass. Occasionally a cyst with debris inside it can look solid on both mammography and ultrasound.